
Conservative Zirconia-Ceramic bridge in front teeth. Case report



Objective. This article discusses the clinical applications and techniques for zirconia restorations. The present case report describes a conservative zirconia bridge in front teeth and its retentive preparations.
Methods. A 51-year-old woman had a retained deciduous tooth 5.3 with a mesioangular impacted tooth 1.3. The accepted plan was for extraction of 5.3, a conservative zirconia framework/porcelain bridge to replace tooth 1.3. The lateral incisor was prepared with 1 to 1.5 mm reduction only on palatal surface and 1.5 mm deep seating grooves placed on the mesial and distal aspects of the preparation. A composite temporary restoration (Luxatemp [DMG America]) with an ovate type pontic was fabricated. The patient returned for definitive tooth preparation and impressions 3 months later and vinyl polysiloxane impressions were taken. After verification of fit a dual-cure DBA and luting material were used to fix the bridge.
Results. The soft-tissue response at 42 months was excellent with good papilla support and a natural emergence profile. After almost 5 years, there have been no clinical problems and the patient is very happy with the results.
Conclusions. The fixed bridge evaluated in the patient was found to be performing satisfactorily.

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M. Gargari

L. Ottria

V. Morelli

M. Benli

F.M. Ceruso

How to Cite
Gargari, M., Ottria , L., Morelli, V., Benli , M., & Ceruso , F. (2014). Conservative Zirconia-Ceramic bridge in front teeth. Case report. Oral & Implantology, 7(4), 93–98. Retrieved from
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